Illegal contracts are illegal contracts and are void from the start
(“ab initio” in legal lingo).
But thanks to the decades-long effort by corporations to populate the Supreme Court with justices who will give corporations equal rights as full citizens, courts now have to wrestle with whether a predatory business entity like this loan-shark lender can trick an elderly veteran out of his 7th Amendment constitutional right to have his day in court or not.
So while their consumer customers are fully on the hook when they screw up, the investors in this predatory company get to hide behind the corporate shield so that their yachts, BMWs, and off-shore assets are protected from liability for the company’s wrongdoing — and, on top of that, the pro-corporate activist justices have wildly expanded the reach of the Federal Arbitration Act far beyond the bounds that Congress intended, giving this loan-shark company a good chance of keeping this elderly vet from having his constitutional rights.
For more: Oregon veteran may lose access to local courthouse
Michael Fuller | May 1, 2018