Wear and tear is normal, but throwing away almost-functional devices shouldn't be. Rather than sending broken items to the landfill or paying companies an arm and a leg to fix them, we think you should have the right to repair your broken devices yourself.
For the past 16 years, we've [iFixit] been helping people do just that. We provide repair manuals, parts, and tools to make it possible to fix broken items on your own terms. But product manufacturers are doing their best to make repair difficult, so that we’re forced to buy new products.
That’s why we need your help, to push for Right To Repair legislation in Oregon.
We’re asking you to tell your state legislators to pass HR2688, which require manufacturers to provide the following:
- Information: The documentation, software, and legal ability we need to repair our own products — or choose someone we trust to do it for us.
- Parts + Tools: Fair access to service parts and tools, including diagnostics.
Call or write your legislator now