Please take a moment of your time to watch Congressman Clarke's brief, yet inspiring remarks on the House Floor yesterday by clicking here:
Amidst all the chaos and dysfunction in Washington, D.C. these days, especially yesterday, at least one Member of Congress goes to work each morning and returns home each night with the plight of student loan borrowers at the forefront of his mind. And, thanks to the more than 650,000 people just like you who signed the petition supporting Rep. Clarke's efforts, your voices ARE being heard!
Keep the faith, and please know that your active participation in this movement is making a difference.
Please share this video far and wide and, together, let's make sure that all student loan borrowers begin to feel that sense of hope during this holiday season that real change is on the way!
Thank you, as always, for your continued support. From to all of you - Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, and a Happy, Healthy and Hopeful New Year!
Robert Applebaum
Founder -