I would bookmark their FAQ page and their more comprehensive COVID-19 page if you have other questions.
FAQs on Stimulus Payments
By National Consumer Law Center
Updated April 15, 2020
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The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) authorizes stimulus payments (also called “recovery rebates” or “Economic Impact Payments”) to certain individuals. See § 2201 (pp. 55-60). Official information on these payments is at https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus (click on “What you need to know about payments”), which is being regularly updated. Other lists of FAQs are available at the New York Times.
The FAQs below are our best attempt to answer questions we are getting but please check the IRS website, which is updated regularly, for official information. Notify us of any errors at consumerlaw[at]nclc.org. More information about responses to the economic crisis are on NCLC’s COVID-19 & Consumer Protections page.
THE QUESTIONS: (Answers at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qDSnSg_AXvzOCyegmJoX6h3_ljN-In9S/preview)
- When will the payments go out?
- Who is eligible for payments?
- How much am I entitled to?
- I haven’t gotten a payment yet. How can I get my money quickly?
- I accidentally used the non-filer portal but I’ve discovered I need to file a tax return. What should I do?
- I don’t have to file a tax return. How will I get my money?
- Can debt collectors, banks, or the federal government take my payment to cover back debts? What can I do to prevent my payment from being garnished?
- The account that I got my 2018 tax refund in is closed. What will happen to the money?
- I receive Social Security, SSDI, SSI, or Railroad retirement and have dependents. How can I get the extra $500 for my dependents?
- I received my 2018 or 2019 tax refund through a tax preparer prepaid card or through a tax refund anticipation check (RAC) or tax refund anticipation loan (RAL). How will I get my stimulus payment?
- I want to open a bank account for direct deposit but I have a negative history with an account screening agency. What can I do so that I don’t have to wait for a paper check?
- I changed my address or bank account since my 2018 or 2019 tax return. How do I notify the IRS of the change?
- I don’t have a bank account. Can I use a prepaid card, mobile debit card account ,or digital wallet?
- Will the IRS use the Direct Express card or another prepaid card?
- What do I do if I didn’t get my money?
- Will the payments affect asset limits used for eligibility for public assistance?
- I am in bankruptcy. Are the payments considered income or can my creditors grab the payment?